Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills Assignment

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills Assignment

Table of Content



Cognitive Therapy1

Therapeutic process2

Training To Identify Automatic Thoughts2

Self Awareness in CBT Work2

Cognitive Therapy Helps Even Severe Schizophrenia3

Analysis of C.B.T4

Therapist Factors In Therapeutic Outcomes6

Reframing For Change6

Therapies Cognitive Behaviour Modification by Donald Meichenbaum7

Rational Emotive Therapy by Albert Ellis8

Conception Psychopathological9

ABC Theory9

Irrational Beliefs10

Personal Construct Theory (George A. Kelly)10

Arnold Lazarus and the Origins of Multimodal Therapy11

Attachment theory by (Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth)12

Relevance of Attachment Theory13

Erik Erikson's Theory of Development13

Stage One - Trust versus Mistrust14

Stage Two - Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt15

Stage Three - Initiative versus Guilt15

Stage Four - Industry versus Inferiority16




The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the cognitive learning theory in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on cognitive learning theory and the core principles and conceptions behind the theory. Nevertheless, the paper also examines the contributions and works of the theorists that proposed significant hypothesis that contributed towards the proposition of the cognitive learning theory.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills Assignment


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the cognitive learning theory. Moreover, the analysis also focuses to direct the research in order to cover every conception that is concerned with the theory. The analysis through this paper aims to explore the principles that are associated with the cognitive learning theory; in addition, the study enlightens the implication of cognitive learning theory in diverse aspects (Young &Weishaar, 2005, pp 223-256).

According to diverse sources, the cognitive learning theory has distinct implications; hence, the analysis of this paper depicts the application of the cognitive learning theory when applied to schools, businesses, churches or social activities. Moreover, the essence of the research in this scenario is also directed towards the contributions of the theorists who developed the cognitive learning theory via their never ending efforts. The term cognition refers to several contexts that are diverse and inter-linked (Kate, 2010, pp 34-45).

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy is known as a "direct treatment of the mechanisms used and the specific tools and techniques of knowledge to help the patient to correct the negative thoughts and irrational beliefs that are accompanied by emotional and behavioural disorder and convert them into beliefs that are accompanied by emotional and behavioural control." The most important terms upon which the treatment defining the term "automatic thoughts" (Wachtel & Messer, 2011, Pp 10-33)

Therapeutic process

Treatment requires a set of procedures designed to identify and counter negative thoughts are positive alternatives to allow the development of appropriate, compromise and ideas to deal with reality again.

Training To Identify Automatic Thoughts

Increasing an individual's ability to identify automatic thoughts a preliminary requirement to modify misconceptions and inappropriate, and allows the identification of individuals "to think about what they are saying to themselves" about the situation and allowed to learn new or alternative ways of thinking. In order to improve the skill of identifying automatic thoughts ask the individual to keep a note (figure below) to write a brief description of the circumstances surrounding the problem, and must describe the situation and the automatic thoughts ...
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