Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a kind of psychotherapeutic treatment which assists the patients in understanding the views, feelings, beliefs and thoughts that actually influence the behaviors of patients. This therapy is commonly used to treat the large variety of disorders. These disorders include addiction, depression, phobias and the anxiety. Moreover, Cognitive behavior therapy is basically a focused and short-time to help the patients dealing with a specific problem. According to Arch et al. (2012), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is effective in treating the anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, phobias, stress disorder, panic disorder, and other psychological disorders.


This theory essentially has two components. One is the cognitive therapy and the other one is behavior therapy. The cognitive therapy studies that how the negative thoughts are contributed to anxiety. Whereas, the behavior therapy observes that how one should react and behave in such circumstances that cause anxiety. In order to be felt well, the Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) may assist a person to amend how he thinks and what he does. It is mainly a way of how a person thinks about himself, the other people and the whole world. On the other hand, this theory talks about how a person should behave. According to Donegan and Dugas, the cognitive behavioral therapy plays a prominent role in overcoming the negative beliefs about the uncertainties which lead towards the excessive development of anxiety and worry. The CBT has received a lot of significance in reducing such generalized chronic disorders efficiently and effectively (2012).

Furthermore, Cognitive behavior therapy implies that the events do not make you sad or upset, but the meanings and the interpretations do. Your negative thoughts towards something create problems for you and put you in trouble. Through this activity, the difficulty you are facing might go worse. So, this theory helps in understanding that if things are going wrong or if you have made any mistake then it really does not mean that you are a failure and others are looking at you as if you are a failure.

The fundamental concept behind this therapy is that our thoughts and feelings play an essential function in our behavior. For instance, if a person has a phobia of travelling by air plane, so he spends most of his time in thinking about the plane crashes and the other air calamities. Therefore, the purpose of cognitive behavior therapy is to teach the patients that how they can deal with these kinds of things that are in the environment.

Techniques used in CBT

There is a wide range of techniques that are used by the Cognitive Behavioral Therapists. These techniques are used to help the patients in changing their behavior, their thinking, cognitions, mood, actions and the physiology. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques are the motivating and an interesting cluster of exercises that are very much helpful in altering the behavior of a person. These behavior patterns are tailored with the purpose of bringing a positive and a constructive change in the personality ...
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