Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Supervision and Support for Cognitive Behavior Therapy Competencies

[Name of supervisor]

Supervision and Support for Cognitive Behavior Therapy Competencies


Cognitive Behavior Therapy is the most widely used and compelling method of clinical treatment with limitless implications and clinical applications. The method of treatment is now widely used for addressing psychological issues and finding manageable solutions for them, using easy techniques. Despite being time consuming and difficult to carry out, the procedure is widely accepted and embraced all around the world.

The supervision and support for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is as complicated and has to be learned and understood properly before applying on the patients. The practice is not easy to learn and requires time and effort on the part of the practitioner. The supervision has to be learnt properly in order to form the link between theory and therapeutic strategies which differ from on the patient to another and involve complex realities, and thus the procedure cannot be learnt by attending just a workshop or seminar. The following paragraphs provide detailed information regarding the supervision and support for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) competencies and also provide practical examples to further illustrate the topic (Scaife, 2001, Pp: 152).


Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), also known as behavior therapy and cognitive therapy, is a psychotherapeutic approach that addresses various emotional and cognitive disorders and dysfunctions in emotions, cognitions and behaviors. The method adopts a goal oriented and systematic approach in order to address the issues and solve the problem in an orderly manner. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is effective for the treatment of a number of cognitive and emotional disorders, including mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, personality abuses and psychotic disorders.

A number of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) programs have been evaluated for their efficiency and the health care trend of evidence based treatment, and the treatment has been found effective for all sorts of such disorders. Treatments for the symptom based diagnosis are also presented by the therapist and the supervisor, which gives Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) an edge over the psychodynamic treatments and practices.

Edward Thorndile is the pioneer of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), who developed the procedure by integrating the previously prevailing behavior therapy and cognitive therapy simultaneously to get a better and more practical method of treatment (Pretorious, 2006, Pp: 310).

Supervision and Support for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Clinical supervision for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a complex and intricate procedure that requires expertise, as well as training on the part of the therapist. The best and most widely accepted method for bringing about improvements in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is to have someone to observe the therapy and then reflect or critically examine the procedure. The supervision and critical evaluation can not only help in improving the procedure, but can also provide the therapist with useful and practical tips to handle the client in a better way. The supervisor also assists in identifying the issues, finding solutions, developing skills and overcome the short comings effectively. All levels and individual stages ...
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