Coffee Shop: New Business Plan by

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Coffee Shop: New Business Plan


1.0 Background3

1.1 Problem Statement3

1.2 Rationale4

2.0 Literature Review4

2.1 Introduction4

2.2 Discussion4

2.2.1 Business Plan5

2.2.2 Components of Business Plan6 Executive Summary7 Business Description7 Industry Analysis and Review of the Organization8 Management8 Operational Strategies9 Marketing Plan9 Financial Plan10 Critical Risks and Assumptions10

2.3 Conclusion11

3.0 Research Methodology11

3.1 Introduction of Research Methodology12

3.2 Research Methodology of the Study12

3.2.1 Secondary Research12

3.2.2 Exploratory Research13

3.3 Literature Search Strategy and Sources14

4.0 Data Analysis15

5.0 Ethics, Validity and Presentation16


Coffee Shop: New Business Plan

1.0 Background

For the smooth and strategic operation of the business it is imperative to design business plan. The aim and objective of this research is also to devise a business plan. In this research, trends of market, situation of market and financial situation of the business would be revealed and a business plan would be devised. In this research, the focus of the research would be to the coffee market. This means that this research paper would explore the coffee market and on the basis of the discovered trend a business plan would be devised.

Researching the feasibility and effectiveness of business plan can point out the strengths and weaknesses of the plan which is an important perspective from practical point of view. It guides the management of the organization with regard to the strategies. To conduct research about the business plan is also significant from academic perspective as it allows developing in-depth understanding about variegated facets of the business plan.

1.1 Problem Statement

In today's world, only those organizations can survive that devise effective strategies. There are a number of coffee shops that are operating in the coffee market. So, in order to launch a new business of coffee shop it is indispensible that proper analysis of the market, customer and various other elements should be done. This research is conducted to explore various factors of marketing, product and financial aspects in the coffee shop market so that a plan can be devised for a new business of coffee shop.

1.2 Rationale

The rationale behind conducting this research is to devise a business plan in the light of facts, figures and trends. In the formulation of the business plan, the research process is useful as it helps in formulating effective strategies and in leading the new business in the right direction.

2.0 Literature Review

The following part of the paper describes the literature review related to the topic of the study.

2.1 Introduction

The term literature review implies to synthesis of published work on a topic and plays a vital role in understanding the topic and acquires knowledge about topic in hand. An overview and a critical evaluation can be done with the help of review of literature as this process takes into consideration set of works related to the issue or research problem. Through literature review a researcher develops understanding about the topic by going through previous research and studies. By utilizing the previous researches and studies the purpose of getting information and to get you acquainted with the background of the subject of research can be ...
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