Codfish Culture

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Codfish Culture


Fish farming is part of the more general term and more comprehensive aquaculture, and is intended to raise certain types of marine fish - shellfish - shellfish - seaweed and others, under the circumstances of the Court of subsistence, nutrition, growth and breeding, harvesting and water quality and environmental conditions appropriate under human control. Codfish is a cold-water marine fish that are considered to commercial farming. She is currently the subject of a farm development in various countries. The future success of the aquaculture industry in Atlantic may well rest on the development of new species such as cod, halibut and haddock (Van, p.375).

Fish farming

Fish farming has been known and bred in ponds since ancient times, is known to have been developed by the ancient farmers with a view to the stability of food sources. Came the first information on fish farming in ponds of China since 4000 years, and Mesopotamia about 3500 years ago, was the integration of fish farming in ponds with rice cultivation period of 25 to 220 years after birth in China. Fish farm is an integral part of the aquatic environment, where the surrounding water elicit from this environment and is inconsistent with it regardless, whether rivers or seas or oceans and fish farming is limited to pollutants.

These include all of the solid waste of the remains of feed and phosphorus, minerals and certain chemicals used in fish farming as well as some pathogens and antibiotics which affect the Benthic organisms and objects present in the water and affect the diversity of communities and the types of organisms ubiquitous basins and water quality standards and lead these residues also flourishing growth of aquatic organisms.

Cod fish Culture

The cod is a fish low in fat and is considered a lean fish. In general, regular consumption of fish ...