Code Of Ethics

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Code of Ethics

Code Of Ethics

Task A

Develop an appropriate standards and procuderes section, such as a code of ethics

The Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct is a frame of reference describing our thinking about business ethics and listing principles of professional conduct, including rules and standards of corporate behaviour. 

Social Responsibility

The Consulting Firm provides management consultancy services to governments and development partners in the area of Governance. Given this particular role, the company accepts its specific responsibility to society, and strives to operate in a socially responsible manner and follow high standards of ethical conduct within the framework of international law and/or the legislation of the countries in which its operates. The company thereby actively contributes to furthering sustainable development. 

Delivery of High Quality Services

The Consulting Firm is committed to the provision of high quality services to its clients.

The company therefore

only accepts assignments in areas that match the qualifications, experience and capacity of its consultants and the firm as a whole. The company's management therefore rigorously selects and supervises its employees, associate consultants as well as any other partner,

is committed to continuously improve its knowledge base, capacities and tools in its areas of expertise, and to extend to its clients the benefits of professional know how and achievements, and

provides continuous quality assurance and reviews its services to the extent necessary in order to minimize errors for the maximum benefit of the client.

The Consulting Firm encourages its individual consultants to pursue research activities of relevance to its core businesses and will wherever financially feasible prioritise assignments of policy orientation and with research elements.

Meeting the Clients' Needs and Requirements

The Consulting Firm regards the client's needs and requirements as paramount and takes special care to act in the best interest of the client at all times. In line with this principle, The Consulting Firm Consultants

hold all information concerning the affairs of clients in the strictest confidence and do not disclose proprietary information obtained during the course of the assignments or consultancy service,

ensure that advice, solutions and recommendations are based on thorough, impartial analysis and consideration of all available facts and relevant experience. They also guarantee that any professional advice provided is realistic, practicable and clearly understood by the client,

?ensure that the client is kept fully informed about any progress made during the assignment and diligently take note of any feedback provided by the client, and

act with courtesy and consideration towards the individuals contacted in the course of undertaking assignments.

Professional Integrity, Independence and Objectivity

The Consulting Firm Consultants are committed to rigorously maintain their professional integrity, independence and objectivity. They will strive to accommodate clients' interests without compromising legislation or the Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct, and to maintain an open and transparent dialogue. Consultants avoid any action inconsistent with the company's professional obligation or which in any way might be seen to impair the individual consultant's integrity. When formulating advice and recommendations, consultants will be guided by the objective view of the client's best interests. 

Responsibility to the Consulting Profession

The Consulting Firm Consultants accept their responsibility towards the consulting profession, and are committed to uphold and endeavour to enhance ...
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