Code Of Ethics

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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Interviewers have to assure those being interviewed that their participation is voluntary, that their answers will be treated confidentially, and that the interviewer is working for a reputable organization or cause. You may interview some people as part of your qualitative study. Here is a sample letter that can be read or handed to a potential interviewee to assure them of voluntary and confidential participation in your study. Boston College has an institutional review board that reviews research to assure the protection of human subjects. We are exempt from review because we are doing class projects that will not be submitted for publication. You should look at the IRB website to see what the requirements would be if you were doing funded research or research for publication.

Interview is part of the process of acceptance that employees often make many people feel nervous, even cold sweat of fear. Because the interview more on oral communication, visual, and body language in a short time. Then the interviewer and the interviewee should use this opportunity well.

Dov Seidman is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of LRN, a company that helps businesses develop ethical corporate cultures and inspire principled performance, and the author of HOW: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything in Business (and in Life). He recently took time to discuss LRN's mission, the importance of ethics in business, the Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest and ethics training for students and professionals.( Sahakian, 1993)

Performance today is about much more than just numbers. At LRN, our mission is to help inspire principled performance in business. We help companies ensure they pursue their business endeavors in a principled way, day in and day out and in every corner of the world.

The whole notion of sustainability is critically important. We need our leaders and institutions to re-conceive of how they build for growth. We need to abandon the kind of short-term thinking and short-sighted decision making that got us into our current economic troubles and instead focus on building truly sustainable enterprises. In its most important sense, sustainability is a long-term, integrated platform for innovation, growth and significance that requires a long-term commitment to how a company relates to people (employees, partners, customers, investors), to its communities and to the larger societies that give it permission to operate, and to the environments in which it conducts business. Building a truly sustainable company requires a shift in thinking and adoption of new habits where companies not only assert great values, they live them.( Doris, 2008)

The dynamics of our more connected and transparent world have placed a premium on our conduct. Today, how we do what we do more than what we do determines whether or not we survive and thrive. Today, everyone can see easily and deeply into our companies. Competitors can see, study and copy what we do. Customers and employees can see whether we're keeping our promises to ...
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