Code Of Conduct For Abc Company

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Code of Conduct for ABC Company

Code of Conduct for ABC Company

Introduction of the Company

Having an understanding of the company is rather necessary if the aim of developing relevant and effective code conduct is kept in mind. ABC Company deals in the business of fast food production and retailing. Moreover, in the restaurant business since there is direct interaction with the customer, a perfect code of conduct is required to ensure the delivery of top quality service and achieve customer satisfaction (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2011). In order to develop a proper code of conduct, a benchmark is required looking at which a proper code of conduct could be developed.

Critiquing Industrial Code of Conducts

Looking at the practiced codes of industrial competitors is a very important step in the developmental process of effective codes of conduct. In the food industry, McDonald's (2013), Kentucky Fried Chicken and Chuck E Cheese have the most famous position in the United States' food industry. When reviewed in detail, the following points were found to be central in the codes of conduct of all these restaurants:

Ensuring ethical practices of the entire supply chain including suppliers and suppliers' suppliers.

Promoting truthful behavior within the employees working in the organization.

Adopting safe practices relative to procurement, production and delivery of food items because that is at the heart of the entire business.

Strict disciplinary actions against employees willfully causing harm to the company or its employees.

Disciplinary actions on usage of harmful or illegal drugs at workplace or coming to work under intoxicated conditions.

Ensuring safe and friendly workplace environment through penalizing usage of abusive or non-friendly language at work.

Compliance of employees with the company policies regarding standard dressing requirements, usage of equipments and handling of customers etcetera.

Overcoming Ethical Challenges

Ethical challenges are most common in the restaurant industry. The reason behind this is that the customer requirements are fairly high and the employees usually fail to develop work related skills and behavior necessary to mix in with the job requirements. The ethical challenges have the following impact on the overall business:

Devaluation of Brand Value and Image in the market.

Loss on the Competitive as well as Quality Comparative level.

Promotion of unethical activities within all the employees if strict actions are not taken immediately.

Negative Viral Marketing if even the slightest news of unethical practices break into the market.

Development of Code of Conduct

Looking at the codes of conduct of the major competitors within the industry, the following Code of ...