Code Of Conduct Assessment

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Code of Conduct Assessment

Code of Conduct Assessment


Procurement is one of the critical business functions in the operations of the company. The manufacturing organizations pay significant attention to the operations of the procurement department. Procurement in project management plays an important role in the on time completion (Bower, 2003). The process of procurement management includes the planning, soliciting and choosing sources, administering and closing out the contracts. It targets on the practices from buyer's aspect and the sellers are considered as subcontractors, contractors, supplier or vendor. A project can meet catastrophic results, may be halted or terminated if careful planning, execution and monitoring are not carried out with utmost care. All the analysis has been conducted according to the Raytheon's code of conduct. Based on the analysis, we have utilize the general case of procurement of garments and through that we have highlighted the Raytheon's code of conduct.


Planning for Procurement

The project team is responsible to identify the parts of the project which will require procurement. It is essential that the decision on procurement is carried out prior to planning process. The primary elements which the procurement planning targets, are (Raytheon, n.d):

Need for procurement

What products or services will be procured?

What will be the required quantity?

When will the product be procured?

The solution to ascertaining the answers to the above queries can be found by reviewing the statement of scope or project aim. The aim provides the definition of the project work, and sheds lights on the limitation of the project. It can help the company to determine the required products and services to be procured. The product description can also provide hints to the procurement team and consultants and can benefit from confirming the type of product required. The procurement manager must also have procurement management resources available to the procurement operations department so that they can effectively carryout out procurement process. If the department doesn't have such resources available to the operations department then the project manager must provide the said resources. The market analysis provides information about the services and product's availability, the sources which can provide the required products and services and the terms and conditions on which they can be procure d (Raytheon, n.d).

Our aim shows illustrates that we will required carrying out designing and then manufacturing of garments. The designing will be provided to us and we will be required to develop it according to the fashion requirements. The manufacturing of the garments will have to be carried out by a specialized manufacturer. The product description tells us that the clothing will be for men and women. Since it's not an all season garments, the quantity will be limited and will most probably available via online shops (Morris and Pinto, 2010). We will need to hire a textile consultant/buyer to assist the procurement manager in development of samples and production of garments. We have searched numerous suppliers within the country and overseas.

The overseas suppliers are very cheap, can provide goods on LC/Credit ...