Coca Cola & British Telecom

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Coca Cola & British Telecom

Coca Cola & British Telecom

Task 1

Part 1

Personal management is the administrative function of hiring and development of employees. It includes orienting and training, conducting job analysis, managing payroll of employees, planning personnel needs and recruitment. Human resource management is the management of human resources of an organisation. It includes hiring, training, assessing, rewarding and selecting employees while overseeing the culture of the organisation and its overall success. The difference between the two is that personnel management deals with only employee's payroll and their compliance with employment laws; while human resource management manages the entire workforce of an organisation (Daft et al., 2010, p. 510).

Personnel management is feasible in industrial and telecommunication industry where dealing with the individual employee is important. Company that may use personnel management is British Telecom.

Human resource management is a board field with respect to management of employees. Many companies from different industries around the world now use human resource management, such as in the beverage industry Coca Cola has strong human resource department. Part 2

The different core human resource functions contribute to an organisations purpose and success. Recruitment is the process of selecting, evaluating and hiring employees. Selection is the process of selecting the person who is best qualified for the job. At Coca Cola human resource is among the top two valuable assets; therefore they select and hire the best candidates suited for the job. The function of orientation makes the new employees feel comfortable and adjust to the new environment. One of the core function of human resource is to train and develop it employees so that they can achieve their goals. At Coca Cola, the human resource department strives to push for an environment that fosters employee performance and satisfaction. The human resource function of performance evaluation assesses the performance of its employees and looks for any shortcomings or gaps in productivity. Human resource management is also responsible managing the skills of its employees and giving them a successful career path. At Coca Cola, the human resource management manages its employees and rewards them in their performance. These benefits allow employees to grow within organisation and achieve results for the company.

The human resource management functions are important for an organisation to achieve its purpose. The functions help an organisation to hire and select employees that are suitable for the job and have the necessary qualifications to carry out the job tasks. These functions help to maintain and develop an environment that brings out the best performance from their employees. The environment and culture must be such that the workers feel satisfied and comfortable in working, and a friendly atmosphere provides employees with job satisfaction as well. The human resource management is responsible for maintaining good and healthy employee - employer relationship so that high performance can be achieved. Performance appraisals encourage and motivate the employees in an organisation. Suggestions are provided for employees to improve their performance; while rewarding top performers ...
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