Coca Cola & British Telecom

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Coca Cola & British Telecom

Coca Cola & British Telecom

Task Three

Part Nine

Explain an Early Motivational Theory.

Motivating people to work remains an underlying responsibility of managers today. The managers need to persuade the employees to work willingly and with intense determination for the mutual growth of employees and organization both. There are different theories which are related to motivating employees. For the purpose of explaining one motivational theory; I have selected the most popular and important motivational theory of Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow. This theory remains an integral part of the content theories about motivation. The theory suggests that human beings tend to strive for higher needs only when their lower needs are fulfilled. Abraham Maslow suggests that needs serve as important motivating factor only until they remain unsatisfied. The motivational theory of Abraham Maslow suggests that fulfillment of one need motivates the human beings to work for the fulfillment of another one.

Abraham Maslow has divided the needs of human beings in five main categories. The first level needs are physiological which revolve around water, food, air and other basic necessities. The second level needs are safety needs which revolve around personal security, health, wellbeing and safety. The next levels of needs are basically belonging needs which is related to the sense of belonging and acceptance any human being have. These needs are fulfilled by the relationships, families and friendship. The fourth level needs are self esteem needs which suggest that people need respect and achievements. The last level of needs is self actualization needs which are related to realizing the full potential of any human being (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009 Pp. 253-300).

Assess how your chosen organization motivates and rewards its employees. Give reference to your chosen motivational theory.

As I have selected the companies of British Telecom and Coca Cola; I will be analyzing the motivational and rewarding methods of both the companies. British Telecom is essentially a huge companies despite it faces several managerial issues. The most important aspect that the company faces is the lack of motivation amongst the employees to work for the company's growth. The managers are extremely work focused which results in employees having a feeling that they are not valued by the organization. There are fewer chances of growth and development offered by British Telecom. Employees are rewarded not in accordance with the competencies; but according to their public relations capabilities ( The Maslow's theory does not seem to be applicable to the British Telecom.

On the other hand; Coca Cola is essentially focused towards employees. The top executives of Coca Cola realize the needs identified by Abraham Maslow. The company makes it sure that all the needs of the employees be it physiological, safety or self esteem; are being fulfilled on the part of company. Therefore, the employees remain motivated to work for company. The rewards are also given according to merit and the performances of the employees.

Part Ten

Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining ...
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