Coca Cola

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Coca Cola

Financial Analysis - Coca Cola Company


The Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest producers, distributors and sellers of soft drink concentrates and syrups in the world. It's best known and called by the name of its original product, the Coca-Cola. The headquarters of Coca-Cola is to Atlanta (Georgia), in the United States of America. The Coca-Cola is one of the largest U.S. companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "KO" and is part of Dow Jones and the S & P 500. The drink which takes its name, Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist (John Stith Pemberton) in 1886. According to the Annual Report of 2011, the company sells more than 500 different types of beverages in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.

In general, the Coca-Cola produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various companies bottlers in the world that are linked to the parent from contracts of franchise (

Main Business of Coca Cola


In general, the Coca-Cola (TCCC) and / or its affiliates produces (or produce) syrup concentrate which is only sold to various bottlers throughout the world who have a franchise Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola bottlers, who territorially exclusive contracts with the company, produce finished products, in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination with purified water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and trade for the final product Coca-Cola products in retail stores, vending machines, restaurants and food service distributors. In 2011, Coca-Cola had equity shares in 51 companies including non-consolidated bottling, canning and distribution operations involving approximately 58% of total production (

Four P's of Coca-Cola

Four P's that is Product, Price, Place and People are such important aspects for analyzing any products worth and its current standing in the market that helps in the proper evaluation of that particular product. Four P's of Coca-Cola are as under:

Product Coca-Cola, besides its individual recognition by more than 93% of the population has some other products which are Srite, Fanta, Powder juices, Fruitopia and many other as well. The packaging's of these products are not the same for all and vary extremely from one to another. Different sizes include 300ml, 600ml, 1.25 liters and 2 liters. Cans are also available that usually are 375ml in size.

Price As the size of the products of Coca-Cola varies, in the same manner the prices for each product also varies depending on the usage of different material and the sizes and their packaging that is made available for the people. As Coca-Cola has made its valuable recognition and influence over its potential customers so any reasonable change in the prices of Coca-Cola's product is accepted by its buyers without any hesitation. This is merely because of the increase in the demand of Coca-Cola and its products.

Place Place of the products advertisement also matters a lot. Place also decides that whether the people living within the particular country or region like international nonalcoholic beverage or not. Currently, Coca-Cola has been made available in almost ...
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