Coaching Psychology

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Coaching Psychology

Coaching Psychology


There are many theories of goal setting and have been employing by coaches for many years. Philosophers have recognized different motivating forces behind the successful achievement of goals and different features of goals that leads to desired outcomes. For businesses and for people, comprehending different theories of goal setting and how they can assist to drive performance can actually help to fulfill set targets and objectives. Main criteria for setting realistic goals take account of establishing specific, measurable, attainable, rational and timely (SMART) goals. Working in accordance with the goal setting theory recommends that an effectual tool for making advancement is to make certain that all members within a group are noticeably aware of what is projected from them (Locke, 2006). On an individual level, goal settings aid people to work determinedly towards their set targets. It has varied features that lead to individual growth and improvement. Goal setting is considered to be an 'open theory', so as novel explorations are made in this field to modify it with the passage of time.

Many theories suggest that focused and determined goals always direct to a high level of performance as compared with undemanding or simple goals. Given that the person accepts the challenging goals, has the required capability to achieve it, and does not have disagreeing aims to impede the attainment of challenging goals. Positive linear relation has been observed between goal complexity and work performance. Setting realistic goal is like a motivational force that sets the standards for one's self-contentment and self-assurance with work performance (Locke & Latham, 2006). An individual sets goal for him or her and then make attempts to achieve it. This is a measure to determine his or her success, and being capable to face challenging task in the work place effectively. It has been rightly said the setting realistic and measurable goals capitalize on the person mind's powers. Our mind functions as a problem resolver and goal achiever. This forms the background of the paper, in which it will discuss the theories that report to goal setting and why goal setting is an imperative part of coaching with respect to achieving the desired results.


Theories of Goal Setting

In the year 1952, Hull recommended the 'drive hypothesis' which recommends that people were determined to achieve goals based upon the requirement to meet fundamental physiological requirements. Individuals worked to be paid and from their earnings they purchase basic necessities of life (food, shelter and clothing). After one year, in 1953 B.F.Skinner originated his reinforcement theory that proposed that performance is manipulated by optimistic and pessimistic reinforcement together with the extermination of some behavioral actions throughout the prevention of different circumstances. In the year 1961, McClelland recommended the conception of sub conscious drivers as the motives of performance, for example the attainment drive that turned out to be an imperative component of his research on the subject of individual motivational forces. In recent times, Locke and Latham (2006) inspected the manner that why some individuals carry out task ...
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