Coaching Elite Sport

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Coaching Elite Sport

Coaching Elite Sport


This essay is about the process of coaching which determines that how an effective coach could and would proficiently coach a football team that is semi professional. If it's the matter of a semi professional or just a beginner, a good coach could develop them into excellent players with the help of good practices and tips and techniques to play the sport. The topic that goes along with this essay is about working in elite sport and finding out that does reality of a good performance in sport equal the best practices or not. This essay is comprised on two sections of which first section will have some discussion about the practices which a coach recommends for helping a semi professional team and develops that team into the an efficient and effective team. Then in the second section of the essay some of the recommendations will be given that are widely accepted by theory and research, and then in the very last, a conclusion will be provided that will comprise of a summary of all key findings throughout the essay.


For a coach, who take decision to a coach a semi professional football team is embarked on a magnificent journey that will be overflowing with several exceptional moments of both himself or his semi professional team regardless of their skill levels or age as such special moments will be memorable for the whole life ahead.

Football, as a sport is usually considered as the most popularised sport of the world and it is played in almost every country. The secret behind the success of this sport is the fact that boys, girls, women, and men in short every kind of people can play the football as a sport and it is easily played with any type of physical ability or physical build. This sport requires very few ways of any specialized equipments and is just ordered and organized through just intuitive and simple rules of the game. Football is predominantly fit and suitable sport for the mental development of people as it involves all the team players continuously and it is highly easy coach and without any delay rewarding to play. It just allows somewhat quick and active skill improvements especially in the start as well as the fundamental understanding of the game, and then it comes up as the greatest conditioning activity. Exceedingly, the football as a sport is all about fun. One just requires a commitment and enthusiasm for learning the fundamentals of the game. With a little guidance and knowledge, anyone with his or her interest and time can turn out to be a booming football coach of the Special Olympics and can assist athletes or sportspersons enjoin the football family globally (Carron & Hausenblas, 1998).

Before a coach take a step forward on the pitch, he becomes aware of the reality that he has taken a huge responsibility and he is now going to play a very significant ...