Coaching And Mentoring

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Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are learning methodologies Powerful for individuals and for organizations. They share the mission of enhancing the personal and professional development. Difference important is the degree of experience has to possess each. The coach does not need to be an expert. The mentor must be a figure orientation to experience, a work vital trajectory and to transmit values. If we compare the role of mentor with the tutor, we can say that the mentor's role is more strategic, longer lasting and more depth on the issues. While a manager can play the role of coach or tutor, mentors need not be direct bosses mentoring, because it requires greater confidence (Serrat, 2009).

Coaching/ Mentoring Models

The GROW model

The model name is an acronym formed by the words that define: G oal (goal), R eality (reality), O ptions (options) and W ill (will). This model allows the head coach, the coach or even the manager structured online coaching conversation (Martin, n.d.). The following is the five key stages that make up the model:

Goal: Stage in which it provides aid and support the trainee that he which specifically establishes wants to achieve. It is important observe that the objective or goal should be, formulated in positive; controlled by trainee; measurable; achievable, dated, and ecological.

Reality: Ensure that the coach and trainee have clarity about where they are and evaluate the viability of its goals. It is the Identification of reality in which are inserted.

Options: Consider the options available and testing the validity of each them, selecting the one that seems better for the trainee. This stage, the coach supports the trainee to explore various alternatives and advantages and disadvantages of each.

Will: Test and confirm the actual want and the availability of the trainee to perform the necessary actions. Transforming the decision in a action plan structured by own trainee, which assumes both his own as responsibility implementation.


As GROW, ACHIEVE is also an acronym, but formed in other words: A ccess (access); Alternative C reative (creative alternatives), H one goals (establish goals); I nitiate generation options (start generating options); E valuate options (Evaluate options); V alid action plan (establish a plan of action) and E ncourage momentum (encourage action).

Access: Reflect on the events that led to the current situation.

Creative Alternatives: Increasing the number of options available to handle Trainee situation.

Hone Goals: Often the trainee does not know what want, but it is essential that he knows what you want.

Initiate Options Generation: Open new perspectives for action

Evaluate Options: Evaluate and prioritize options thinking the results to be achieved

Valid Action Plan: Transform into practice what was learned and decided in steps above

Encourage Momentum: Final step of the model, indicating the end of partnership between coach and trainee.

By looking carefully at the picture, we can see that they present the same elements as GROW model. Part of it: know and accept reality, set goals, raise possibilities choose actions to take and remove possible obstacles to achieving ...
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