Coaching And Development

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Coaching and Development

Coaching and Development

Task A - Development and Orientation Guide

Role of Preceptor

A preceptor is a practitioner that assists and guides new staff members and students who are in transition from an academic life to professional life (Academic Health Council, n.d.). The prime role of a preceptor can be defined by the assumed responsibility to bridge the gap between the workplace reality and the idealistic academic environment (Flynn & Stack, 2006). Lambert and Lambert (2001) have defined the role of preceptor as a co-evaluator, role model/teacher, and workplace socialize (figure 1).

A preceptor may assist and coach a student to simplify the transition to the real nursing world. A preceptor may act as a teacher by assisting students through the process of critical thinking and problem solving while making decision about the healthcare of the patient (Flynn & Stack, 2006).

Figure 1: Model of Precepting (Ulrich, n.d., p. 2)

A preceptor may perform the following roles (Academic Health Council, n.d.):

Guide and support students in acquiring competencies and learning experience

Facilitate the process of developing professional attitude, knowledge and critical skills

Oversee, facilitate and work as an exemplar

Orient students with environment of the workplace

Offer transmitting proficiency and practice

Guidelines for One-to-One Work

Under the setting of precepting, a preceptor is engaged in a one-to-one relationship with preceptee (student) to instruct and teach students on the clinical experiences along with the providence of on-site supervision (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2009). A preceptor may take advice from the following guidelines to create an introspective and effectual environment for one-to-one working (Flynn & Stack, 2006):

For a specific duration, preceptor may indenture with the student to acquire clinical experience during the semester phase and get oriented to the clinical unit

Propose and assist a learning experience that can better address the goal of a learner

Supervise the student on efficient use of resources and guide him to adjust to the work settings

Create a work environment that assures safe learning while encouraging professional growth, optimum quality care of the patient, and career development

Create a work environment that provides learning opportunities to both the preceptor and the student

Use oral and written communication to provide constructive and valuable student feedback on identified intervals

Interact with the facility on the nature of experience and progress of a student

Be adaptable and flexible to grow and change

Do not abscond the student

Supervision of Students

A preceptor is responsible to supervise students to get acquainted with the work setting. He/she should allow and encourage students to observed and participate under the guidelines of the faculty (Diffenderfer, n.d.). However, Epstein and Carlin (2012) have observed extrication between the professional learning and academic teaching of a student. As of today, preceptoring is accountable to bridge the academic and clinical learning of students by accustoming them with various legal and ethical issues and countermeasures to effectively handle such situation in the practical field.

Legal Aspect

The preceptor-preceptee relationship may undergo certain legal issues, which are required to be cared about by all the involved stakeholders (Diffenderfer, n.d.):

A student must be provided with the direct supervision of the ...
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