CoNstructive Criticism

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Constructive Criticism

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Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism from instructors is an essential component in helping learners develops doctoral competencies. Though positive feedback is more pleasant, we actually learn more from constructive criticism. Learning to accept constructive criticism, without letting our emotions get the better of us, is a great skill for any learner. This quarter we encourage you to consider how you might hone that skill.

Different instructors have different feedback styles just as different learners have their own ways of interpreting feedback. Inevitably, styles sometimes clash. How much upset can you avoid if you assume that constructive criticism always originates in a sincere desire to help youo

This painting incorporates all the defining characteristics of colors in it usual paintings. There is a strong use of light, blurry colors, and shadows. When first looking at this picture eyes are draw to the woman figure in the center. Not only is she the largest figure in the painting but also there is the most light concentration surrounding her. Although her face is dark, her body is still the main focal point of the painting. Since the light is brightest on her mid body, the boy is more noticeable and prominent than the woman's face. Once your eyes come off the woman they are immediately drawn to the boy.

The painting really gives the impression that the light is coming from the sun that is located somewhere behind the woman and, therefore, casting the shadows that can be seen on the fore ground. The shadows are painted in the way that they would appear in real life. The painting also shows one of the major defining Color characteristics, which are the fading colors. There are no solid lines. The colors just seem to run into one another. Even though there ...