Clinical Summary

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Clinical Summary

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Clinical Summary


Clinical summary, is the evaluation report of identifying the information about the patients, curing under their supervision. It is necessary to make sure that care of each patient, whose length of staying under medical attention is identified, should continue safely and seamlessly. It is also important to keep up with ongoing confidentiality records of patients (Thompson, JE et al. 2011). Before discussing the clinical practices, I would like to give a brief description of the Fluid and Electrolytes disorder.

In Hypernatremia, the body contains very little water for the amount of sodium. The sodium concentration in the blood increases until it reaches abnormally high when water loss exceeds sodium loss (when little drinking water). A high concentration of sodium in the blood means that the individual does not feel thirsty when you should or else thirst, but cannot get enough water to drink. The hypernatremia is also observed in persons with renal failure or abnormal operation so that the present diarrhea, vomiting, fever or excessive perspiration.

Hypernatremia is most common among people of advanced age. In general, the thirst sensation is perceived more slowly and with less intensity in these people than in young people. The elderly who are bedridden or suffer from dementia may be unable to get the water to drink, while noting the sensation of thirst. Furthermore, at an advanced age, the kidneys are less able to concentrate urine, so that these people also cannot hold water with the same effectiveness.


As in hyponatremia, hypernatremia main symptoms are a result of brain dysfunction. The severe hypernatremia causes confusion, muscle twitching, convulsions, coma and finally death.


The hypernatremia it is replacing the water shortage. In all cases, except for the lighter liquid is administered intravenously. Carry out repeated blood tests to determine whether the amount being sufficient. Correct the table too quickly can cause permanent brain damage, so the concentration of sodium in the blood should be reduced very slowly. Thus we may carry out additional tests to determine the urine reason why the sodium concentration is high. Having identified the underlying cause, treatment may become more specific. For example, if a person has diabetes insipidus, can be administered antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin).

Patient Information / Assessment

Patient: Ryan, 5 years, male

This part will discuss information regarding patient, which includes focused physical assessment and psychosocial description to include: available inpatient and community resources; family, caregiver, significant other availability; literacy level; stressors; coping strategies; etc. The patient is got admitted for Fluid and electrolytes clinical treatment, which will entail Virtual Clinical Excursions Medical Surgical Nursing. The patient (Ryan) is suffering from fluid and electrolytes disorder “HYPERNATREMIA”. The patient is associated with increased levels of antidiuretic hormone levels. Severe hyponatremia (Na <120 mmol / l), especially for the beginning of an acute life threatening condition. Existing treatment strategies based on the restriction of fluids and administration of hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride and furosemide is often ineffective and poorly tolerated. Too rapid correction of hyponatremia leads to severe complications and especially the ...
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