Clinical Scenario

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Clinical Scenario

Clinical Scenario


The role of a nurse is extensive and demanding and as such, carries a lot of responsibilities. Any small deviance from responsibilities or the slightest neglect can result in severe repercussions for the patient. Therefore, it is essential to underline the serious nature of the role of a nurse and implement it effectively. Over the past few decades, the importance of nurse and its market has significantly increased, and so has its level of knowledge, expertise and skills. Being a nurse requires a lot of work experience in traumatized related situations apart from additional qualifications. As a result, it turns out that the tasks of a nurse are more complicated and demanding than service providers of healthcare fields (Hughes,Hood,2007,57-62)

Individuals who became nurses are expected not only to adhere to the ideals and moral norms of the profession, but also to embrace them as a part of what it means to be a nurse. The code of Ethics is an integral factor; that should be followed by nurses all around the world. As individuals, who are dedicated to this profession, are not only expected to follow the rules, ideas, and the moral norms related to the profession, along with that they should also know how to embrace them. American Nurses Association has developed a code of ethics for the people related to this profession in America (Hughes,Hood,2007,57-62). The paper focuses on the four issues that the nurse leader comes across and identifies the possible situations to these incidents in light of the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.


Australian National Health Registration Authority or the practical things AHPRA permission to practice. Registered nurses (EN) or Division 2 nurses in Australia typically spend twelve-month training with fourteen (14) weeks of theoretical part of the TAFE colleges, followed by hands-on experience in the hospital the rest of the time. The vast majority of RE will eventually attend college and become a nurse, even though a significant number of ENS remains in public and private hospitals and nursing homes (Jennings, Scalzi, 2006, 169 -175). A trainee enrolled nurses (TENs) became employees of the hospital twelve-month training, which means, as well as practical experience in the residential areas, they are paid for hours worked. This will attract a number of candidates who wish to pursue a career in nursing, but can not afford to become university students. In 2009, but the government has stopped working and the NSW Department of Health, and who want to become a nurse is not paid. The registered nursing program also allows people to check whether they are suitable for nursing profession before they decide to study at the university level (Jennings, Scalzi, 2006, 169-175).

Although the role of EN in Australia has greatly expanded in recent years, opportunities for career advancement are somewhat limited, and for this reason many people want to continue and study nurses. What reward, the earning capacity of a nurse is valid for five years of service, and nurses continue eight (8) years before ...
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