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Clinical Risk Factors Of Cervical Cancer And Nurse's Attitude Towards Targeted Therapy

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Clinical risk factors of cervical cancer and nurse's attitude towards targeted therapy


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Initially I would like to articulate gratitude for my dissertation supervisor, classmates, and my friends whose constant and immense support has been a foundation of continuous inspiration and guidance. I would also like to thank my parents whose guidance and love was with me in whatever I have pursued so far. Furthermore, this dissertation reflects my opinion and takes on the issue and is it does not symbolize the University opinion.

Signature: _______________________________

Date: __________________________


I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this study stand for my individual work without any aid, and this proposal has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level, previously. It is also represents my very own views and not essentially those that are associated with other university.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The condition of cervical cancer is known to be a second most common cause of the cancer death in women globally and so the new treatment strategies, prognostic and diagnosis strategies merits special attention. The efforts were mainly focused on the strategies of on anti tumor immunotherapy and the HPV E7 and E6 oncogenes role. It was known that during the ce4rvical cancer development an abnormal event cascades is induced which includes the cellular cycle control disruption, alteration of gene expression, deregulation of microRNA expressions, and anti tumor immune response. Therefore, the aim of this critical review is to examine the concept of and risk factors of cervical cancer along with determining the nurses' attitudes towards the targeted therapies and treatments of cervical cancer. To fulfil this purpose this study took critical approach in which there will be a wide range of relevant literature which relates to the matter of subjects such as Google scholar, journals, books, PROQUEST, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health literature (CINAHL), and sage publications. The health promotion counselling can be provided by the nurses to the patients they serve in their daily practice. In disease prevention and health promotion they can fulfil a key role and therefore, they are in an ideal position or providing the health education to women and young girls. It is essential to make the staff of nursing aware about the cervical cancer who can impart the knowledge regarding cervical cancer and its prevention to the general public. It is clear that the cervical cancer risk factors can be identified easily in the population. By screening properly and using adequate methodology the general population can be targeted along with the high-risk groups, nurse practitioners and nurses can assist to continue decreases cervical cancer rates. For the prevention the education is imperative and the efforts shall be made to target the groups that are at risk. It is important that the health care providers shall aim to make the information available to their patients for helping them in making good lifestyle choices that will assist in lowering the cervical cancer risk.

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