Clinical Profile Of Jason

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Clinical Profile Of Jason

Clinical Profile Of Jason

Case Study

A patient named Jason 17 year's old male was examined by the expert in the Youth Mental Health Neurobiological Research Project. He was found suffering from mental depression. He had been is a state of depression since his childhood and tried to commit suicide about 35 times in his life. During the assessment he showed passive suicidal thoughts. Apart from this he also possesses the common symptoms of depression like insomnia, feeling low and unworthy. Jason was assessed through the WAIS III that is Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. On the basis of assessment of mood, intelligence and skills, the patient was found to be at premorbid level of depression. The case study will discuss and analyze the factors and will assess the treatment for the mental depression patient at premorbid level.


Depression is an outcome of combination of factors which includes genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. Illness due to depression is the disorder of the brain and the main reason of the illness is the imbalance of neurotransmitters, these neurotransmitters are the chemicals used by the brain cells for communicating. Depression is categorized as one the diseases which runs in families, however a person may suffer from depression due to any other triggering factor without the family history. Genes also play an important role in the onset of depression when certain types of genes are influenced by other environmental and psychological factors. Any reason or situation like loss of loved one, unemployment, trauma, difficult relationship, stressful life and work may trigger depression (NIMH, 2011).

Case Analysis

Environmental Risk Factors

The environmental risk factors included in the discussion are analyzed from the case study and are considered to be the causative factors triggering depression in the patient:

Negative Life Experiences

Jason had been the victim of family conflicts and domestic violence since his childhood. His daily routine was static without any exercise or physical activity. He was a neglected child living alone and was not financially and morally supported by his parents. Jason had been living an isolated life and this was the triggering factor for which he was suffering from depressive illness (Grippo et. al, 2007). He was living with a pessimist approach, lacking self confidence and all this has developed a negative thinking style. History of childhood traumatic conditions induce distinctive depression and neurobiological disorders and the children suffering from this form of illness usually demand environmental interventions which include maternal care, a positive and caring family environment, a supporting social circle, friends to talk and share (Saveanu, 2012), and in Jason's case none of the these features which could impact his life in a positive manner were absent.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Jason was found to be drug and alcohol addict. His daily alcohol consumption was three 750ml bottles since past whole year. At present due to financial constraints he could not continue his drinking habit and past two weeks he had no drink because he had no money. As for smoking he uses to ...