Clinical Nurse Leader

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Clinical Nurse Leader

Action Plan -

Professional Action Plan for Introduction to CNL Role



NGR 6770


Specific Goals/Objectives

What you will do to Achieve the Goal/Timeframe to be Implemented

This action plan has following aims and objectives

For developing my writing skills, I will read some good book related to Clinical Nursing leadership and other fields.

To improve my Writing skills

This will not only increase my vocabulary but it will also help me to be aware of the world around me.

To Increase My Leadership Skill As A Clinical Nurse Leader.

Books do not only provide the bookish knowledge but also provide us the real world knowledge.

To develop the skills to convince others to introduce the new clinical nurse leader role into the unit

I will make it my habit to read books on regular basis for an hour in a day.

To improve my Computer Skills

Furthermore, I will enroll myself in a 6 months computer course for the improvement of my computer course. In addition I will purchase some computer learning software CDs. For additional learning.

For the development of leadership skills, I will take more and more responsibilities. I will take extra responsibilities that are beyond my current position. In addition, I will develop my critical thinking ability.

For the development of convincing skills, I will opt for continuous learning and following what I will preach others. A leader is a continuous learner. Moreover, he knows the value of team members and he learns from them and encourages them to follow his guidance. I will give good results to others in order to gain their trust in the significance f CNL program in the unit.

CNL Leadership Philosophy Assignment


Trust, integrity, carefulness and fairness are significant factors for me in any profession. As a clinical Nurse leader, my role is related to consultation and building of capacity. My career is a path that enables nurses to keep themselves involved in the clinical practices at a significant and effective manner that is positive for patients (Feldman, 2011).

The leadership in Nursing is responsible for overseeing the care coordination. I integrate the factor of care in my coordination with nurses and patients. As. I know my job is related to the provision of care to the patients. I have developed friendly terms with my subordinates to foster trustworthiness. It is my duty to assess the risk and develop quality improvement tactics. Moreover it is my duty to facilitate communication and implement evidence based solutions. For this, I have maintained open communication with my colleagues and subordinates and I welcome their suggestions (AACN, 2007).


Following are the concepts that are integral to my career as Clinical Nursing Leader:

Team Work and Communication

As a team manager, it is important for a CNL to help in improvement of interdisciplinary associations with the help of disciplines looking at their interdependence in order that every person has similar aims and objectives and they can cluster care for the avoidance of fatigue and patient's burden. The team coordination can reduce the burden on professionals as well. This role of team ...