Clinical Learning Reflective Log

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Clinical Learning Reflective log

Clinical Learning Reflective log

Task -1

On my visit to Leg ulcer clinic for further assessment of leg wound, I found that the clinic is being run by the Tissue Viability Nurse Specialists, (TVN), who are professionally trained and equipped with expertise in wound care.

Holistic Wound Assessment

This is the assessment of lifestyle, medical history, Medication, development of wound and treatment methods used. Diagnostic pathway followed the examination of blood pressure, legs and wounds.

Task -2

Doppler is the most used diagnostic tool in diagnosis of venous dysfunction. The major part of venous dysfunctions causes venous leg ulcers which is superficial, and suitable for varicose vein surgery. I observed that the superficial system is affected by reflux in chronic leg ulcer patients. However, potential results have evaluated that it is appropriate for surgical correction.

Task -3

The most effective therapy in terms of venous leg ulcers is compression therapy. Almost 2% of the population is affected by leg ulcers during their course of life. Recurring and chronic nature of leg ulcers causes immobility and severe pain. Compression therapy is the most effective therapy which consists of specialised bandaging and by long term-use of compression stockings.

Task -4

The treatment pathway for arterial insufficiency is associated with venous hypertension. In order to eliminate venous hypertension, higher strength compression is better than lower strength compression. For treatment of venous leg ulcers, it is effective to use high-strength compression therapy. High strength compression is difficult to be tolerated by patients with arterial difficulty.

Task -5

Holistic assessment must be received by patient with pressure ulcer. Two most important factor of assessment are;

Intrinsic factor

Extrinsic factor

The assessment must measure health status, mobility status, level of consciousness, sensory impairment, previous pressure damage, psychological factors, cognitive status, social factors, and blood flow. Healthcare professionals and inter-disciplinary team are responsible to carry holistic assessment. Assessment of ulcer shall be made frequently on weekly basis.

Task -6

In order to meet the need of patients, an individual management plan is formulated by health care professionals consisting of compression therapy, analgesia and leg elevation. The Norton, Waterlow scales and Braden are the common risk assessment tools. Over bony eminences, the damage due to pressure ulcers is occurred. Health status must be assessed to counter the risk associated with the pressure ulcers. The other factors that may be assessed are previous pressure damages, ulcer assessment, social and psychological factors to ...
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