Clinical Decision Making

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Clinical Decision Making

Question 2


The difference among the results of two tests on the basis of their quality lies within the nature of the test. The first test of both managers is based on the random drug testing. The results of this teat are computed on the basis of the saliva, hair, sweat, breath blood and other physical aspects of a body whereas the result of the gas chromatography test for drugs is considered as the significant results among the doctors because of its deep testing in the field of science. The gas chromatography is seen as the significant test in the forensic labs. Therefore, there lies the difference in the quality of both tests.


The name of the first test i.e. Random drug testing represents that the test is performed randomly on any human being. However, the gas chromatography is a hi-tech and globally acceptable test because of its accurate results. Drug screening is a low cost and less accurate test. It can't even differentiate between an ibuprofen and the drug cell. Therefore, most of the test that results positive in drug screening appears negative when tested through gas chromatography.


Gas chromatography is a one of the highly accurate piece of equipment in the laboratories for testing drugs. Gas chromatography measures the size of the molecule, their charges and their atomic weight in the drug metabolic. This machine is such accurate "unlike the drug" screening it can tell the difference between the ibuprofen and the drug metabolic. The test manager had the second time is specifically a gas chromatography for Drugs.


There is the vast difference between the reliability of the both test. Drug screening is a low-cost and inaccurate test whereas the gas chromatography can be seen as a reliable test only ...
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