Clinical Case Study

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Clinical Case Study

Clinical Case Study

Question 1

Critically discuss your patient's presenting signs and symptoms and how they differ from the indicators of normal health with a link to Patho physiology (what is abnormal in comparison to normal values?). Health history, assessments undertaken, diagnosis and co-morbidities as relevant should be included.


The patient, Mr. Blue, is suffering with many diseases which include dysphasia, epileptic episodes, intellectual disability, aspiration pneumonia, hematoma auris, cerebral palsy and others. These diseases and symptoms are not common in normal health, thus showing that he is having severe health problems. His symptoms and signs backs the diagnosed diseases, like his respiration issues can be the cause of his scoliosis suffering. Scoliosis is basically develops during the period of rapid somatic growth when vertebral bodies rotate and disorder of lateral displacement takes place. It results in restrictive lungs disease with impedes on the rib's movement, decrease in lung volume, intrathoracic organs displaces and affects the system of respiratory muscles (Tsiligiannis & Grivas, 2012). In normal conditions a person does not face such severe respiratory problems that Fernando is facing. His condition is not normal as his scoliosis suffering has decreased the chest wall as well as the lung compliance and resulted in increase work of breathing. Scoliosis produces these respiratory signs and symptoms, though it is associated with the lung disease, it can affect the respiratory system in many ways. Different patho physiology may reflect due to the decrease in lung volume, which is multi-factorial, depending on the age of the patient (Tsiligiannis & Grivas, 2012). Auricular hematoma, which is diagnosed in the patient, is basically associated with the injuries from direct trauma. It occurs spontaneously or in the hypertensive patients whose fibrous wall of blood is facing degenerative changes (Ahmad & Wesam, 2011). Normally, the fibrous walls of blood do not face such degenerative changes and there isn't the problem of lack of subcutaneous issues, however, in Fernando's case, he has trauma which causes the collection of blood between auricular cartilage and perichondriu, hence, resulting in hematoma auris (Cauliflower ears). Fernando is diagnosed by aspiration pneumonia; this disease is an infection of the lower respiratory tract (Buckley & Cabrera, 2012). As already discussed and shown by case study, Fernando is having respiratory issues because of scoliosis, and due to this lower respiratory area, Fernando has got an infection of aspiration pneumonia. Another cause of this pneumonia can be dysphagia. Dysphagia can lead to malnutrition or dehydration, and choking or tracheobronchial aspiration, which results in pneumonia (Rofes, 2012). Cerebral palsy has also been diagnosed in Fernando, it is a lifelong disability, however, there are many interventions that can help a patient. These interventions include Physiotherapies and occupational therapies. Epilepsy occurs in people with cerebral palsy. Many of these health problems Fernando is facing are the result of multi-factorial diseases he is suffering from like cerebral palsy can be the cause of epilepsy, scoliosis can cause respiratory problems, and dusphagia can cause aspiration ...
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