Climate Change

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Climate Change

Climate Change


Nobody ignores the subject of climate change. Many of us can perceive its effects. Heat waves in summer, winter without snow, climate disruption, floods while, another suffered terrible drought, and climate change clear itself in many forms different.

Beyond the climate, the consequences are much more complex. Warming water and melting glaciers causes rise in the sea level, which threatens many islands and lowlands, such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh. The 21st century may be the first to see the emergence of climate refugees. If darkest predictions come true, nation's islands like the Maldives could be wiped off the map. The geopolitical consequences would be enormous (Kessel, 2000).


Effects of Climate Change

These climate changes disrupt the flora and fauna, including the distribution tends to move northward. These changes affect agriculture, health as well as the economy. The change from time to time refers distinctively to the alteration caused by individual activity, not like the climate changes grounds by natural procedures on Earth as well as solar system. In the logic, particularly in the background of ecological policy, the word climate alteration has turn out to be identical with anthropogenic universal global warming effects. In several journals, the global warming passes on to enhance in earth temperature, at the same time as climate change include global warming in addition to the entire the other features which influence an enhance in the greenhouse gases. Proof of change in climate is based on interpretation of raise in the temperature of air as well as ocean, melting ice in addition to glaciers with rising the level of sea all over the world (Weart, 2008).

Global Warming Effects

The word global warming refer to the regular increase in the atmospheric temperature as well as ocean that has been identified at present, besides its continued increase is expected in the upcoming days.

According to the IPCC (International Panel of Experts on Climate Change), the global warming of the Earth is already a fact that is occurring, and will produce serious consequences on the climate, atmosphere and biodiversity: increasing the average temperature of the Earth in this century between 1 and 3.5 degrees, reduced ice caps at the poles, sea level rise and flooding of low lying areas and islands, increasing desertification, disappearance of flora and fauna in ecosystems, shortages water and atmospheric instabilities hurricanes, fires, etc., side effects of human catastrophes spread of famine and disease, etc. The

An increase in global temperature will result in changes as already being observed worldwide, we can list:

Changes in the pattern and amount of rainfall

Rising sea levels

Expansion in subtropical deserts

The first step should be to reduce their collective emissions of gases responsible for the greenhouse effect, reaching in 2020 a level 30% lower than 1990 levels. Even in developing countries such as China and India, will begin to reduce their emissions. The EU has agreed to reduce its greenhouse gas responsible for the greenhouse effect by at least 20% by 2020. This reduction through the actions planned under the new integrated ...
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