Client Access And Equity To Health Care Services

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Client access and equity to health care services

Client access and equity to health care services


The purpose of writing this paper is to highlight the three different articles based on the equity to health care services. Therefore, in this regard, the author selected the articles and tried to present the discussion of those articles in an effective manner so that the readers could easily get the idea what actually the authors of the article trying to present in their paper.

The first paper selected by the author is written by McMurray (2008), Culture-specific care for Indigenous People: A primary health care perspective. The second paper is written by Roeger, Reed and Smith (2010), Equity of access in the spatial distribution of GPs within an Australian metropolitan city. Whereas the last and the third paper is written by Ward, (2009), The relevance of equity in health care for primary care: creating and sustaining a 'fair go, for a fair innings.


First Article

First article selected by the author is written by Ward, P.R. (2009). In this paper, the author basically tried to present the equity lens for the purpose that the researcher, practitioners and the policy makers could monitor and measure the equity of the health services provided. However, the main argument presented in the paper is that the health care services need to be assessed on the basis of the inequities because mostly time's inequalities and disparities had been witnessed in the health care sector. The author is of the view that this is not just a semantic argument, but the foundations of health care service need to be based on the social and moral grounds and justice should be prevail. Further moving on, the paper highlighted some of the key domains that basically involved in measuring the equity of the health care, needs, utilization and access. At last, the author ended the paper on the conclusion the all the problems related to the equity of the health care can be resolved if the proper and effective suggestions should be forward in terms of developing more equitable health care services.

To give the readers a better understanding of the paper, the author highlighted the three different domains of the equity of the health care. First domain of the equity of the health care is the equal access to health care facilities for all on equal need basis. Second domain is the equal treatment for all the people based on the equal needs, and at last the third domain is the equal outcomes for those people who having equaled needs. The author mentioned that this is the simplified form of the nature of the equity and it is very much useful in delineating the various other domains of health care where inequities could arise.

No society can be indifferent to inequality in health as it is possible to act on the causes and effects of social and partly as individual inequality. In this sense, tend to equality in health is a social choice ...
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