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Clemency is a wide term for interference that decreases the sentence for a crime, it is also known as the executive clemency as it is usually outcomes from the judgment by the federal system that is the president or the administrative officer of the state that is the governor. In addition to this, it includes reprieves, pardons and also the commutations. Clemency is considered as the important for the justice that is done for the criminal system for the reason that in theory, if this system is not always in practice then it will give out as an executive confirmation to stable the supposed inequalities in the sentencing. In addition to this the sovereign power, crime data at least since the time of Solon, Athens awarded the seventh century. It was one of the pillars of the Common Law and has been used in various ways, to show mercy and incentives to join the pirates and other criminals, the battle on behalf of the crown. (Hamilton, 1999)


In addition to this, as a future social worker there are various ways to help clients in the area of the clemency that is given to the criminals. In most of the cases that it is observed that the criminals are sentenced on the inequality basis, therefore, it is important that the proper steps should be taken to minimize the injustice from the criminals. As federal and state laws vary, so the definitions of forms of clemency also vary. In general, the change applies to a reduced sentence for a crime. A typical example is the reduction of battered women who were their abusive partners or reduction of the death penalty for drug offenders relatively light penalties provided in proportion to their crime under the necessary laws. A governor of the state where the ...
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