Classroom Presentation

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Effectiveness of Classroom Presentation

Effectiveness of Classroom Presentation


Presentations are ideas, concepts and issues that are talked about or shared with a group of people or an audience. According to Maslin & Prothero (2002) “Presentation is a way of communicating ideas and information to a group of people”. Effective presentation involves careful preparation and artful delivery of ideas that connect with the interest and need of the audience. For an effective presentation, proper planning and preparation is required. Some of the key points are check the facilities firstly, presenting the aims and objective of the presentation, organize the researched material, write a draft, and prepare the visual aids and summarizing the draft into main points. Presentation should have an introduction, main body and conclusion (Stuart, 2007, 56-58).


According to Reece and Walker (2000), a teaching needs a good lesson plan. The key points of the lesson plan are title of session, date, venue, time, duration, numbers and detail of learners. This essay is a reflective account of a classroom presentation exercise. It will explore the principles of effective presentation and discuss the lectures, feedback and the author's strength and weakness during the presentation session. Gibbs (1998) reflective model will be used to underpin this piece of work. I would like to use and point Gibbs reflective cycle as I think it would help me to reflect effectively. Reflective practice means that we learn by thinking about things that have happened to us and seeing them in a different way which enable us to take the appropriate action (Jasper, 2003, 13-15).

I have decided to take the topic ONAM for my presentation which I have celebrated recently. It's the celebration of Kerala (south part of India) which includes lots of games and celebrations as a part of the festival .People from different part of the world come to Kerala to enjoy and be a part of this celebration. I have taken this topic because I always wanted to give new information and present a new culture to the group. I decided to do a power point presentation. I made a lesson plan with my aims and objectives, arranged the pictures for the topic and costume for Onam. I believed that these visual aids will make my presentation more meaningful and catchy. Various researches have shown that one important aspect of presentation is to add visual aids because you are twice likely to achieve your objective more effectively (Davis, 1997). There were twelve people in the classroom including the lecturer.

At the time of presentation, I was called first to do in front of around twelve people. It was a nervous moment, since not everybody is good public speaker, but I overcame my nervousness. After introducing myself, I made a blunder by starting the presentation without stating the aims and objectives to the audience. I realized it, and overcame this by stating them later on, but it already had given a negative impression on the audience and on the ...
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