Thematic notes are details and facts about a student and a classroom that are recorded as an outline. This outline is formed on predesignated categories of observation. Thematic notes represent the major areas to be observed. They represent factual information and are time-saving.
Advantages and disadvantages
Some of the key advantages of thematic notes are:
They organize and focus an observer's attention
Increase depth and accuracy
Easily relate to events
They are concise, brief and less time-consuming
Some disadvantages of thematic notes are:
They provide limited information and only general statements
They do not reveal order or sequences
The attention is only focused on certain areas
Thematic Notes: The Observation
Lesson clarity
The students clearly understood the lesson that was being delivered
The teacher speaks clearly, audibly and in a tone that is gentle yet crisp
The teacher successfully responds to student queries
The students show deep interest in the topic being taught
The students did not show much ambiguity in the coursework
The students seemed to remember the matter taught in previous classes
Students were able to relate easily to the previous classes
The teacher paused frequently to ensure the class was on track
Meanings of difficult words were discussed
The teacher made the students spell out difficult words
Instructional Variety
The teacher gives clear instructions to the students regarding their work
Assignments were clearly explained
Assignments were easy to execute and have proper guidelines attached to them
The previous assignments were done on time
Only one girl 'Jill' had not completed her assignment
Jill seemed embarrassed to discuss her reason for not completing the work
The teacher talked to Jill personally and found out the reason for incomplete homework
Jill seemed happy after talking to the teacher in person
Teacher-Task Orientation
The teacher allows the first five minutes for students to settle down
It takes at least ten to fifteen minutes for the class to become attentive and focused
The teacher assembles the entire class from her ...