Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan


The learning patterns which children of today's global age have are entirely different from those which their parents used to have. Previously, children were all allowed to roam outside in the woods and streets without having any adult around them, but, at this point of time things have changed totally. According to changing needs and demands of children, an advanced learning plan must be developed by the management of the schools to improve students' performance and make learning easy for them (Cauchon, 2005).

The same is the case with Johnny who is a fifth grader, is a low performer and could not be able to cope up with class norms and discipline rules. His misbehave made his teachers and management realize to create a learning plan which will ensure that Johnny gets success in his academic life.

Misbehavior and Grade Level for Johnny

Johnny is a fifth grade student who often misbehaves in a classroom. His behavior towards teacher is unusual as sometimes he does not understand what does the teacher says and could not follow their instructions properly. He seems to be unaware of the norms and discipline rules in the class. If teacher punishes him, he starts laughing and do opposite. Moreover, his behavior with classmates is not at all favorable. Many students have complained that he fights with them and harm the physically.

Classroom Management Plan

Quality Use of Time and Transition between Activities

During breaks and transition between activities, teachers must address the daily discipline lesson that highlights the norms and expected behavior in a class. The daily lesson includes one positive behavior that students are supposed to learn every day. This will make Johnny understand the expected behavior in the class and thus, reminds him to adapt his behavior and bring himself towards positivity. ...
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