Classification Of All Five Harry Potter Movies

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Classification of all Five Harry Potter Movies

Classification of all Five Harry Potter Movies


The Harry Potter movies listed below were rated on my personal choice and preference. I have rated the movies on a

1 to 5 scale the higher the number the better the movie rating. The reason for lower points maybe weak direction or less action and adventure compared to the ones scoring top ratings.

1- Harry and the Prisoner of Azkaban Rated 1 in the 1 to 5 Rating

I rate harry & prisoner of azkaban a 1/5 as the plot was confusing, it jumped around. There was lack of continuity in most parts of this movie. Very predictable at times. Nothing new and adventourous. I found it the most boring Harry Potter movie among the listed ones.

2- Harry and the Order of the Phoenix Rated 2/5

I rate harry and order of the phoenix a 2/5 plot was just ok, there was lack of action, I felt it dragged on, extremely slow moving, took a lot of time to grab the attention of the viewer(s) it did get exciting at the end. On the whole I found it better than the Harry & prisoner of Azkaban in a lot of respects. Especially the music was very good.

3- Harry & chamber of secrets Rated 3 in the 1 to 5 Rating

I rate Harry & Chamber of secrets a 3/5 the plot was ok, good story and background music. Boring in the middle but the story did develop in an interesting manner although had lesser action that was much expected from a Harry Potter movie. On the whole found it interesting in a lot of ways.

4- Harry and the Sorcerer 1 to 5 Rating Rated 4/5

I will rate Harry Sorcerer's stone a 4/5 A ...
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