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A theory is a systematic formulation of principles that explain a variety of phenomena and / or serve as a guide to practice. A theory is derived normally from an observation of reality, from which we 'extract' the general principles. May be general principles that can explain all occurrences of a certain type (e.g. all the collisions between an atom and a proton) or who lead a particular practice (such as play a guidance interview).

A theory is a system logical - deductive consists of a set of hypotheses or assumptions, a scope (what is the theory, which explains all things) and some rules that allow drawing conclusions from the assumptions and assumptions of the theory. In general, theories are used to make scientific models to interpret an extensive set of observations, based on axioms, assumptions and postulates of the theory.

In casual conversations, a theory is basically an idea or thought. Probably has not been carefully collecting data to support it, and certainly lack a rigorous hypothesis tested experimentally. In the world of science but a theory is a thorough explanation of a phenomenon or phenomena that can be tested, verified and it has several lines of evidence (Moyer, 2001).

Elements of Theory

The main elements of the theory are called "building blocks of theory", that are the concepts, constructs and definitions. Following are named:




Dichotomous variables

Continuous variables

Purpose of Theory

We can understand the importance of theory more easily, if we dismiss the theoretical task and give back to the theory we do a considerable cost to ourselves and our effectiveness in action. The cost of human life and suffering we pay for a simple pragmatism is very high. The theory is necessary, first, because it is unavoidable, although we recognize this or not. It is necessary for us to express ourselves assumptions and directions of our action as well as expose and examine critically the forms of action we suggest. It is also necessary to give unity and coherence to the fight. Finally, it is necessary for us to make available our experience and pass it on to others.

We use theories every day in our daily lives. Any decision we make, large or small, is based on a theory that we have between a cause and effect, but often we do not have consciousness. As Keynes said, "The ideas of economists and political philosophers, whether right or wrong, are more powerful than is generally understood. In fact, the world is not governed differently. Practical men, who think to escape from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct economist. "When the stakes are high, it is better that the theory on which we base our decision is clear, but it is rarely the case (Moyer, 2001).


An ideology is a set of ideas, thoughts, philosophical, social, political, moral, and religious, a specific group, and a social class or at a time. It is a system of ideas, of opinions and beliefs that form a doctrine that can influence individual behavior and ...
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