Over the years, a significant amount of research done for evaluating the mechanisms that can help reduce the number of deaths because of various acute illnesses has lead to an increased emphasis on studying the chronic diseases. This is because with the reduction of deaths caused by acute illnesses, the prevalence of ailments that accumulate over time, have increased. These chronic diseases produced because of various infections, injuries, genetic predispositions and other developmental abnormalities have lead to serious concerns of health service providers, throughout the world (Willett, Koplan, Nugent, Dusenbury, Puska & Gaziano, ?2006).
Cerebrovascular Disease
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential risk factors that promote the development of Cerebrovascular disease, which is globally listed among the foremost causes of death (Nelson, 2004). Commonly known as stroke, the disease leads to the development of long-term disabilities, caused because of a neurological malfunction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this ailment accounted for approximately 15% of all the deaths that took place in the year 2002 (Naylor, Macdonald, Reed & McKay, 2006).
Potential Risk Factors of Cerebrovascular Disease
Owing to the seriousness of the issue, a great deal of research is being done in the field, to investigate the potential risk factors so that particular improvements can be brought about in terms of their removal. Studies have shown that the primary risk factors of this disease include factors that can be controlled and modified, for example, Tobacco use, Unhealthy diet, increased blood glucose / diabetes, high level of Cholesterol / lipids, Physical inactivity, Hypertension / high blood pressure and Overweight / obesity (Grassi, 2006). However, other studies have indicated that there are additional factors that promote its development which have not been studied adequately and require further attention. One such ...