Cj503 Unit 5 Discussion Board

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CJ503 Unit 5 discussion board

CJ503 Unit 5 discussion board

Unit 4: Unit 4: Emotions, Moods, and Foundations of Group Behavior - Discussion -

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Topic 1: Emotion versus Mood

Explain the difference between an emotion and a mood.

Moods are long lasting feelings that tend to occupy an individual for a longer period of time. A mood determines the emotional state of the individual. Moods are often hard to shift and they are usually happens by number of different circumstances.

Emotions are short term and tend to come and go quickly. They occur due to immediate circumstances. Emotions are usually impulsive and retire very quickly.

Give an example of each

Emotions: The excitement of watching a sports game and worried for your favorite team. Once the game is over the emotion is gone.

Moods: Angry or frustrated due to work pressure. Remains frustrated over a period of time.

As a manager, formulate a solution for dealing with both emotions and moods

Dealing with moods: Manager should bring a person into a comfort zone in order to inquire about the mood. The manager should offer solutions that how an individual can overcome the mood which is affecting the performance of an individual. Major issue lies here is the problem by which an individual can be heard and let out what is disturbing him/her continuously and could be the reason for his mood.

Dealing with emotions: Managers should keep themselves calm and analyze the emotional issues of an individual. Managers should try to de escalating the situation which means that manager should be able to cool down the individual and letting him / her release than emotional feeling.

Topic 2: Sources of Moods and Emotions

As a manager, what are the sources of moods and emotions? Discuss which ones you could influence and how.

Sources of moods and ...