Civil Rights

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Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Civil disobedience is the premeditated disobeying of a regulation to accelerate a lesson standard or change government policy.

It may be confined to shattering only specific regulations which are advised unjust, as in the municipal privileges action in the USA in the 1960s. Alternatively municipal disobedience can encompass shattering other regulations as a way of drawing vigilance to the seen injustice, for demonstration by impairment to house, non-payment of penalties or levies, obstruction of construction work, and trespassing. Those who perform either kind of municipal disobedience are eager to accept the penalties of their activities as a means of furthering their cause. There are many problems in today's world to be blamed of and to believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing some big mistakes. Protesters and activities have the right to break the law and it must be acceptable for government for sake of their cause because the one who is in power must always respect people and solve their problems. This is a big responsibility, to discuss about other people and country. In some cases people don't want the government because they want their ability to be free, at least to find new president who can take responsibility and keep the flag flying. In today's world people expect voting to be free and equal but in some countries they do cheating and stop listening to people requests which makes people angry.

In my country Iran, people don't have right to live, means to be free because their leader's believe is in different ways than people and he is not able to control people with peace. Most people while they are choosing their president or leader try to do their best because it is their future of life and they have to listen and follow the rules of country, but sometimes this is exactly opposite. There are people who are always between us and they are not agreeing with others, this is responsibility of leader in country to content them with great service to people. (Earth times, 2009).

Some presidents or leaders are looking only for power to reach to their points and believe their selves and after being president they don't listen to people to see what are people needs and just start doing their interest, if someone wants to tell them you are wrong they don't listen, which make country unsuccessful, so this really effect in people life and everything will be on their power until they even let themselves to tell people, what you have to wear and what you don't (Radio liberty, 2010).

People have the right to make groups and try to put this kind of leaders down of power because they don't have any other choice even if people die, not only for their own power for the future of their countries, their children success and meet less corruption. So this is people responsibility to get their right, even if they martyr. People should know there is no easy way out ...
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