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Is Human Rights Abuse a cause or a consequence of Armed Conflicts?

Is Human Rights Abuse a cause or a consequence of Armed Conflicts?


International humanitarian and human rights law are imperial subjects in many armed conflicts. Armed conflict has blotted millions of lives of civilians in the past few decades. Constitution of genocides, war crimes, and violations against humanity has been subject of various circumstances in different parts of the world. Politicians, rebellions, activists, journalists, governments, and diplomats have manifested the subject of international humanitarian law and rights of human in armed conflicts. Military commanders are inferring the significant parameters of human rights with the counselling from lawyers and training of soldiers. The most violent and brutal suppression of human rights is the violent conflict as the human development expands rights and choices. Development and security are vice versa to each other in the line of humanity. The subject matter is both cause and consequences of large-scale poverty. This paper provides insights and critical reflect on various trends and case studies from the countries where human rights are eroded. The expository discussion extends to the statement that whether human rights abuse is a cause, a consequence, or both of armed conflicts (Buergentha et al., 2009, pp. 140).

One of the massive hurdles towards human development is insecurity that is linked to armed conflict. This writing also reflects the statistical findings about emerging economies where death trolls are attributable to conflict in these developing countries. Hunger, malnutrition, undermining development in education, and health are displaying the conflict or violation with subject to the human rights. These are huge killers than armed conflicts. They are cause and an effect of rising conflict. The examination of correlation between civil conflict and absolute poverty is another learning outcome of this essay.


There is a heated debate over the discussion and imperatives of application of human rights in the context of armed conflicts. The good example of this study is the approach of European Court of Human Rights and its provisions applied to the Convention to the war. The case of Chechnya is in the broader international law context. There were severe violent human rights abuse and infringement of fundamental rights in several places within and outside the city. The lawsuit confronts the concerns of physical integrity with some insights to jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights. This will facilitate to understand the situation of armed conflict. It will also help in the sufficiency and competency of protection and security mechanism from European Convention of 1950. It is also necessary to understand the multitude context of Armed Conflict and its definition according to the international standards to strengthen the argument.

International Armed Conflict: Definition and Context


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