Citizen Kane And John W. Gardner's Book

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Citizen Kane and John W. Gardner's Book

Citizen Kane and John W. Gardner's Book


Citizen Kane is a film of U.S. director Orson Welles. It was awarded as the best film of the year. Citizen Kane lends itself to myth-making at more than any other film in the history of cinema. The portraits in Welles' film newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane, was in fact, strongly influenced by the real media entrepreneur, William Randolph Hearst (Ehrlich, pp. 69-71). The paper highlights the comparison and contrast of the movie with Gardner's leadership concept.

Gardner explained that Leadership is the ability of a person to deal with the circumstances, occurred in the processes with the strength to manage the people by conducting such behaviour, which seems inspiring for all. Leader is not the boss but the personality which enables you to follow him. The quality to lead others makes the person different. Sometimes the quality is God given and sometimes it is developed through certain methods. The leaders understand them well and know what they can do. The inspiring capability of the leader determines his capability to work as the one who make people to understand him. Leader understands the overall strategies going on and makes people understand how to work on them. The person who has the quality of leadership is not the stagnant one; the trait enables him to pursue growth at every moment. Leaders seek improvement in every work they do. They know when to communicate and when to motivate their followers (Gardner, 2012).


In the film, the main character is Charles Foster Kane, who was sent away from his mother in his childhood. As a result, his behavior changed and became aggressive and irritated. He does not like to have emotional attachment with anyone and rejected all the norms and discipline taught by ...
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