Citizen Empowerment

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Discussing Citizen Empowerment


The importance of every individual is inevitable in a society. In order to utilize the potential of every citizen in the best interest of the country, the state has to empower citizens with their social, economical and political rights. For the progress and betterment of the nation, every citizen should be given importance in the decision making and policy designing. The opinion of people will not only help in designing policies according to people's choice but will also improve the performance of authorities.

According to Barkar, Empowerment may refers to the process of helping persons, families, groups and communities to enhance their individual, interpersonal, socioeconomic and political power and influence towards improving their state of affairs (Zastrow 2009, p.52).

Democracy is the principle which ensures freedom and equality for all citizens without any discrimination of majority or minority. Democracy includes the opinion of people in government making and it is the government for the people by the people. Democracy empowers all citizens with the right of Vote to elect their representatives and include their view in all matters of national interests (Behrouzi 2006, p.12).

Empowerment is a mutual process between the person and the community. It is the process of strengthening citizens socially, politically and economically. Empowerment is determined by the situation of society and the form of government. The concept of empowerment ensures individual development and state growth (


Concept of Empowerment

Democracy is the principle form of government that welcomes the opinion of the general public in decision making. It has been noticed that citizens in various developed countries are involved in policy making, and their opinions are considered valuable in designing plans which can influence community. It is on record that a remarkable progress has been noticed whenever citizens get involve in policy making. The empowerment of citizen also provides a variety of opinion, proper debate and appropriate planning about the policies (Fahy, et al n.d, p.02).

The concept of empowerment rose in 1960 when all across the globe, there needed a consolidated strategy to involve citizens in policy making and government making of the state. It was an authority that was shared with people to gain political power and their right of freedom, speech and expression in matters of state interest. Democracy is a form of government which, if, truly practice in accordance with its principles can convert a state into welfare state where Citizen Empowerment is the utmost goal (Santos 2006, pp.12-17).

The aim is to share the partnership of state matters among government and citizen. The concept of empowerment included the positive partnership and sharing of responsibilities by the citizens of the state. The objective of this principle was to grow a beneficial bilateral relationship between the government and people. The citizen empowerment intended to authorize and strengthen the community to gain access to scarce resources and fundamental rights. The social, political and capital empowerment of citizen was considered as part of practicing democracy (Ryles 1999, p.601).

The concept of Empowerment can be understand as a principle of supporting ...
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