Chronic Care Model And Diabetic Patients

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Chronic Care Model and Diabetic Patients

Chronic Care Model and Diabetic Patients


Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus refers to a combination of metabolic illnesses in which an individual shows high blood sugar. There are two reasons for high blood sugar, which includes dysfunction of pancreas and insensitivity of cells for insulin. Dysfunction of pancreas will make an impact over the production of insulin. Pancreas will not produce a sufficient amount of insulin for the body. Insulin is a peptide hormone, and beta cells of pancreas are responsible for its formation. High blood sugar will produce enormous symptoms in the body including polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and others. Polydipsia is a medical condition of increased thirst, whereas polyphagia is a medical condition for increased hunger and similarly, frequent urination refers to polyuria (Creager, Luscher, Cosentino & Beckman, 2003).

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder, and it requires continuous medical care. Self-management education is also necessary to prevent any sudden onset of complications. Care and management are a complex procedure, which should be addressed to patients. Evidence based practice and studies can play a vital role in self management education. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and actions are essential for better results. There are also many barriers in the utilization of chronic care model for the care of the diabetic population. This paper will provide an overview of diabetes, the extent of this disease in society, model of chronic care model, barriers in this model, and strategies to overcome these barriers for improved care. The paper will also discuss each component of health care system (Creager, Luscher, Cosentino & Beckman, 2003).


Overview of Diabetes

A group or combination of metabolic diseases, which results in high sugar level is known as diabetes or diabetes mellitus. Diabetes will cause increased thirst, increased hunger and frequent urination in an individual. Insulin is a peptide hormone, produced by pancreas, which is helpful in maintaining the homeostatic of blood sugar. There are three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational (Creager, Luscher, Cosentino & Beckman, 2003).

Type 1 diabetes

It is a medical condition that refers to dysfunction of pancreas. In this condition, pancreas is not able to produce insulin for the body which results in high sugar level. This condition is insulin dependence or juvenile diabetes (Creager, Luscher, Cosentino & Beckman, 2003).

Type 2 diabetes

A medical condition, in which target cells failed to use insulin properly, is Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cells become insensitive to insulin, which will result in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This medical condition is non insulin dependent or adult diabetes (Creager, Luscher, Cosentino & Beckman, 2003).

Gestation diabetes

This form of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and will proceed to type 2 diabetes mellitus.

There are many other minor types of diabetes that includes congenital, cystic fibrosis, steroid and monogenic diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, which requires adequate management of symptoms. Patient education and awareness, related to the prevention and cure of this disease, is necessary to prevent acute complications. The risks of cardiovascular and renal diseases are extremely high in ...