Chronic Alcohol During Pregnancy Is Harmful In The Fetal Period

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Chronic Alcohol during Pregnancy is Harmful in the Fetal Period


The research aims to investigate the effect of alcohol in the development of the fetus and in the reactions to the alcohol the minor fever can leads to the fetal death. Besides this, the research also focuses on the necessary use of folic acid as for normal development of the child. Folic acid is necessary during pregnancy as the child development will be abnormal, and defects in the child persist if these kinds of issues prevail in the pregnant women. The fetal development in the mother womb is needed to become, and the neonatal development plays a vital role for the normal child. The use of alcohol and inattention to such medicines like folic acid leads towards the problem in fetal development and this may cause death of the feta during the pregnancy. In this scenario the research is conducted regarding the chronic alcohol use, the use of folic acid and fever during pregnancy has a negative impact on fetal development.



Fetal Age4

Changes in Fetal Period4

Demand of Folic Acid in Fetal Period5

Chronic Alcohol Exposure in Fetal Period5

Harmful Effects in the Fetal Period6


Chronic Alcohol during Pregnancy is Harmful in the Fetal Period


The development of embryo and the development of organs came under the fetal development in the growth of the human beings. The growth of tissues and development of embryo is occurred in the fetal period as the 7 months development of a child in the mother's womb is depicted in the fetal period. The fetal growth is complex phenomenon there is uncertainty associated with this period as different growth organs grown in this period and the body of human being is different in the fetal development (Panksy, 2013).

Fetal Age

The age in the fetal period is depicted in the form of weeks. As during the pregnancy the embryo development is identified in the forms of weeks as confusion arises when one identified pregnancy in the months. The week cycle is clear and easy to manage. It clearly states the development of fetal in the mother's womb. In the gestational period the development of fetus is very immature and it is hard to live independently and the size of fetus is like a hand span at the time of growth of the embryo (Fetal Development, 2013).

Changes in Fetal Period

There is a frequent change in the fetal period as the growth of the embryo is doubled after the end of the twelve week. The body part are developed such as eyes, face and eye led's. In the fetal period until the end of the week 9 the genital of male and female is identified as the part of child development. The raid growth in the fetal period is initiated from the week 13 to 16 it depicts that the child head is small and the legs of the child became longer. Skelton of the child is seen on x-ray after 12 week. The early brain development and scalp development is started ...
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