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There is no simple definition that can describe all the different religions in the world. For many people, religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, prayer and worship, all dedicated to the highest, God, whatever idol or god (if only one or more of them.) The people who practice religion for several reasons, which gives them a sense of security because of the belief in the divine power to keep them. We study different religions to understand other people. Many people have strong religious convictions and not be understood without an understanding of their faith.


History of Christmas

Christmas has become an occasion on which we all buy gifts and presents for our family and friends. Rather than being an occasion on which we should celebrate the main reason of Christmas, i.e. the birth of Jesus and his arrival to the world from Mary and Joseph, Christmas has now become an occasion filled with holidays' displays, mega sales and price breaks, endless spending spree from consumers, winter festivals. In short, the main purpose behind Christmas has been whitewashed and hijacked.

Therefore, to some historians the historical Christmas celebrations should be in spring (April-May), and others, following the story of Luke 2:8 , which indicates that the night of Jesus' birth, the shepherds tending the outdoor herds and the sky was full of stars, it is unlikely that this event had occurred in the winter (northern hemisphere). The Christian Church held on 25 December as conventional date, because in the spring or fall, the Church celebrates Easter.

Slaughter begins by telling his readers to reconsider their expectations of Christmas in general. He criticizes the senseless consumerism surrounding this holiday in particular, and how everyone participates in this endless spending spree and how Christmas has become a celebration just for us, our ability to purchase, gaining pleasure from novelty, and sinking in the never-ending credit. Christmas now, it seems, has nothing to do with Jesus. The author presents the basic motive behind Jesus' entry in this world, which was, and still is, sacrificing for the betterment of others. It has little to do with Santa Claus and the overhype version of perfect family holiday. These are traditions we have set and preserved for satisfying ourselves. Slaughter presents a new vision on the birth of Jesus. He proposes the idea of celebrating Christmas as the birth of Jesus, a child entrusted to Mary, brought in the ...
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