Christian World View

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Christian World View

Christian World View


Human beings learn from their past. Theories, laws and research are all done by first understanding what has already passed. The Bible and other holy scriptures are a perfect source to understand modern day scientific methodologies. Certain verses are discussed in this paper that relate to things we consider today. We can find proof of measurement principles in the tale of Noah's ark. Program Evaluation is evident in Jethro's suggestions to Moses. Adam was the first to classify animals that God created. Also in this paper, Daniel's tale explains research design.


Adam and Classification

In The Genesis 2:19-20 (New International Version), the creation of the animal kingdom is described. A complete understanding of creation can only be obtained by reading the entire text. The verses in question say that the Lord created every animal in the fields and every bird in the air from the ground. He brought all these animals to Adam. Whatever Adam called these animals would become their name or identity. Adam took a look at the animals and gave them names. He named all the tame or domesticated animals. He named all the wild animals and all the birds in the air. It was after he did what as asked, did he realize that he lacked a companion

A lot can be taken from these two verses. Primarily, it proves that Adam, the first man, is superior to all other beings. The act of supremacy can be seen by his allotment of names for the various species. The animals showed their submissiveness in accepting the given names. This also goes to prove that the Lord gave Adam intellect, allowing him to classify the animals and name them as he saw fit. The simple act of giving various animals their names shows Adam to possess reason, mental powers and the capacity for grammatical, articulate and symbolic speech. The biblical verses explain that there were animals of the fields, wild animals, and there were birds. This is the first step in classification. The animals are divided as domesticated animals, wild animals and animals of flight. It is obvious that since Adam is asked to name the creatures set forth, he was capable of speech. The extent of his capabilities is unclear from text alone. It is fair to say that he was at least capable of using a few words to describe what he saw in animals in front of him. For example, the word elephant is used to describe a large, four legged animal with an elongated trunk and tusks.

Even though the general consensus says that these verses explain Adam's realization for the need of a companion, they also have to do with classification or taxonomy. Taxonomy is all about deciding what is significant. It is not about just giving something a label, but rather how we see things. It is how we choose to relate these things to other things we have named, much like what Adam may have ...
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