Christian Mental Health

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Social Science a Part of God's Plan

Social Science a Part of God's Plan


Today Christianity has proclaimed a competitor and aware. It's not like you would have thought that Christians would have reacted or argued the assault began from the other side in a very conscious. This study identifies attitudes among church-attending Protestant Christians toward various mental health interventions, as related to their conservative-liberal religiosity, psychology education and experience, church education and experience, and general education.

Educating church people to seek help regarding mental and emotional problems During the past two decades, there has been an increasing interest in the role which the church potentially plays in the promotion of positive mental health. For professionals to design effect positive mental health interventions for churches, understanding Christians. An attitude about the church's role in dealing with mental health difficulties is important.

To Become a Christian Mental Health Worker

The notion of mental health professions makes a kind of pastoral work and makes pronouncements about the human condition is a relatively new development. One hundred years ago a psychiatrist was not therapy or pastoral work (Peter, 2007).

What is significant for Christians is that the analysis indicate that no correlation between the progress of the mental health professions in the field of psychotherapy and failures of the church to offer pastoral care.

Positive attitudes of clients toward a proposed treatment have been found to be related to positive therapy outcome. Also, willingness to participate in a particular intervention has been strongly associated with an individual's attitude toward that intervention. Attitude and behavioral intention are thus closely associated with treatment outcome, and have practical implications since behavioral intention is an excellent predictor of actual future behavior.

How a compassionate Christian would use the best of what science has to offer?

As Christians, we have been given wealth of knowledge ...
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