Choice Theories

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Choice Theories

Choices Theories


The practice and study of criminology turns over into crime factors and causation, which contribute to criminality of offender. While contemplating the arguments regarding proceeding of vivacity of criminal, choice theories have substantial role to perform. In planning the action for decreasing the crime rate, the choice theories possess intrinsic significance. It is important to recognize the theory and identify ways in which it helps or demonstrate its potential to maintain law and order situation. There is not one answer to why crime happens. Every day criminals makes choices whether to commit a crime or not, and they are not thinking about the consequences that follows. In cities and communities crime has grown enormous to new highs, since the economy is down and the poverty level is up. There's many reasons why so much crime is happening, but the poverty level is one of the main reasons, with people losing their jobs, losing their homes, and do not have the financial resources to feed their families make individuals seek other alternatives. Theorists have worked long hard hours to find clarifications that allow a nonviolent, noncriminal individual to understand what goes on in the heart, mind, body, and soul of a criminal. In this paper the questions that would be explained are, describe choice theories and how they relate to crime. This paper will list, and describe the common model in how society determines is considered to be criminal and how it impacted by choice theories of crime.

Choice Theories and how they relate to Crime?

People almost always have choices, and the better the choice, the more people will be in control of their lives. Choice theory is described also known as the rational theory is the idea that people tend to make choices in a way that maximizes advantages ...
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