Chinese Military Assessment

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Chinese Military Assessment

Chinese Military Assessment

Military Capabilities Overview

There is no solitary and unified military doctrine in china. However, the military doctrine and strategy of Chinese military can be seen as an amalgamation of a number of guiding principles and doctrines at various authority levels of the armed forces. The military doctrine is known as science of military strategy. The Chinese military doctrine and strategy relates to the two notions the local wars under situations of informatization and active defense. The defense budget of china has been raised by a significant percentage as compared to the last year. In 2013, the budget for defense is raised by 10.4 percent and the approved annual budget was $114 billion for the military. The force structure of Chinese military has shifted considerably. Currently there are total of 8 million militia manpower, of these there are 2,285,000 active forces and no less than 510,000 reserve forces. To move ahead its wider strategic aims and self declared core interests, Chinese military is following a vigorous and organized military transformation strategy. The modernization attempts of Chinese military emphasize principally on constructing a force competent of combating and winning local wars in the circumstances of informatization.

Ground Warfare Proficiency

The communist party of china is the highest authority. It controls the ground forces with the help of four further departments with varied responsibilities. A General staff department control all the staff related decisions of all the personnel of armed forces. A general political department is responsible to make sure that the political doctrine is properly executed throughout the armed forces by every individual. General logistics department is responsible for the logistics management and supply of different services to the armed forces. General armament department looks after the weapons and all other equipment. There exist seven military regions that also look over the ...