China's Global Brand Aspirations - Lenovo

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China's Global Brand Aspirations - Lenovo

China's Global Brand Aspirations - Lenovo


Lenovo Group Limited is a personal technology company worth $21 billion and this organization serves customers in more than 160 countries all over the world. Lenovo has been positioned as the largest vendor of personal computers in China and has been ranked second in the entire world. The toughest competitor of Lenovo is Dell but Lenovo Group continues to surprise Dell by its products and the technology and processes used. It has been reported that Lenovo has already surpassed Dell and is targeting to surpass the top spot of HP which will be disclosed after the upcoming annual report of Lenovo. After the success of the Lenovo's IBM computing devices, the company continues to develop, manufacture and market technology devices and services. Innovation is the key to success of Lenovo as the key essence of the production of computers, mobile phones and mobile internet devices is innovation of the product, an efficient supply chain globally, high level of customization and localization in each country of supply, and strong execution of the strategic plans. There is a wide variety of technology devices in the product line of Lenovo which include Idea branded consumer personal computers, Think branded commercial computers workstations, servers, tablets, smart phones and mobile internet devices. In addition to this, it is also significant that the research and development department of Lenovo is very strong and efficient and the organization believes in innovation and satisfying the customers through innovative products. The research centers of Lenovo are situated at Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Shanghai and Xiamen in China; Yamato in Japan; and Raleigh in North Carolina (Ling, 2006, pp. 130). The strong image of Lenovo has been established throughout the world by its effective market position in China. An important initiative to the success of Lenovo was also taken by the Liu Chuanzhi, who was the charismatic and legendary founder of Lenovo and was also known as the Godfather of the information technology industry of China.

Application of Quelch's Seven Features of Global Brand to Lenovo

The seven features of a global brht ahave been developed by Quelch are the ideal features to define the success path of a brand all over the world. These are the seven features that are very important to be present in a brand that aims to be successful and acceptable all over the world. The seven essential features provided by Quelch are given as follows.

Strength in home market

Geographical coverage / balance in sales

Addresses similar consumer needs worldwide

Consistent positioning

Country-of-origin effect

Product category focus

Corporate brand name

It is obvious that Lenovo is a technology based company that is based innovation in products, so the above seven features of a global brand are applicable to Lenovo in an effective manner to comply it to be a globally successful brand. The following is a discussion that applies the seven features of a global brand to Lenovo (FENG, 2004, ...