Chilean Mine Collapse

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Chilean Mine Collapse



On 5th of August, 2010, a copper and gold mine collapsed near the northern city of Copiapo, Chille. In a chamber of 2300 feet below the surface, 33 miners were tapped. For 17 days there was no news of the fate of these miners. However, the residents of Chille started growing anxious regarding the survival of the miners. There was a search in which a small hole was bored only to find the miners still alive. A video camera was sent underground and it proved that all miners were still all right. There was nation-wide celebration for the rescue of these miners, who sang the national anthem through a modified telephone.


Considerations of audience

There are various considerations to remember in this scenario. Firstly the miners went through too much. They were trapped in the mine for around 2 months, which is a very long time. They feared dying under the mine. But they still showed courage and moral character by searching for the other survivors. They stuck together through the entire dilemma as a team and finally prevailed. There was very little supple of anything underground, still they divided it equally and all lived to see daylight again. That showed their will and stamina to fight for their lives as one. They did not give up, even when they were hopeless after finding that the ladder was too short for going through the ventilator. Even Omar Reygadas, a 56 year old man strived for his life and too tough to break down. This showed the resiliency in the people of Chille. Secondly, the families of the miners who were really concerned almost lost hope of them ever returning. They waited hopelessly for the return of the miners and went through a lot of emotional distress, not knowing for sure if their family members were still alive or not. The general publics of Chille were the most responsible of all. They proved that they cared about any citizen of their state and would fight for their survival. They propagated the issue until they were sure of the miners being dead or alive. This forced the concerned authority to send for a rescue team. Even when the miners were rescued, they had enough conscience that they celebrated this day like any big event of history. They shared the happiness's of the miners of being able to see day light ...
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