Chilean Copper Mine

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Chilean Copper Mine

Background of the incidence

It is very sad to inform you that your family member has been trapped in the Chilaen mine, located in San Jose. The mine collapsed due to an excavation of the gold and copper, as well as, other metals. The incidence took place due to the reaction of the earth crust with other elements. The mine collapsed, and the people inside the mine were trapped for almost 45 kilometers in the northern side of Chile, they were five meters away from the entrance of the mine. The men were trapped for almost 69 days, and therefore, many of them were expired due to suffocation. The mine was located in Atacama Desert, it falls amongst one of the driest places upon the earth. The people trapped inside the mine and died were known as “Los 33”.

The report to family

The communication drafted for the families of the trapped workmen. The workers were trapped in the afternoon of Thursday, the 5th of August, 2010. The incidence kept the workers trapped for 69 days; in that case, the families were informed as under;

The most effective tool to inform the family is to use the e mail conversation. It is because the written bad news always affects lesser than the spoken communication. The incidences reported to family would be adequate if written as under;

It is indeed very sad to inform you that your son/father/husband was trapped into the Chilean mine located in the Atacama Desert, on the day of August 5th, 2010. The mine collapsed due to the fault of inappropriate measures and arrangements used for mine's security on the time of excavation. The mine has been severely blocked, and the team of rescuers is trying its very best to make the lives be revived ...