Children's Functional Health Pattern Assessment

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Children's functional health pattern assessment

Children's Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP)


Erickson's Developmental Stage:


Erickson's Developmental Stage:


Erickson's Developmental Stage:

Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management:

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.

List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.

The toddlers can develop the sense of autonomy or independence (Ziegler, 2005).

They might develop shame as they starts understanding the difference between right and wrong (Ziegler, 2005).

The children starts copying their adults and experiences the new sense of power(Cherry, 2013).

They learn healthy measures like brushing teeth and keeping themselves clean.

children develop characteristic in accordance with the guidance and encouragement they get.

If the reinforcement leads to personal exploration, they develop independence (Cherry, 2013).

Improper hygiene of the child, with smelly cloths and dirty body parts.

Another problem observed is the over protective nature of parents in terms of hygiene and safety.

Children are not aware of health relayed issues.

Parents who have limited knowledge about the healthy lifestyle and careless behavior towards to preschool age child

The parents who are unable to guide such children in terms of maintaining their personal hygiene is an important factor that can affect child's health

Unhealthy lifestyle can lead to disease.

Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern:

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.

List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.

Parents are in complete control of what the child must eat.

Parents decide how much food should be given and the frequency of feeding on daily basis.

Most of the parents start controlling diet of the children at this age.

Many children are found skipping meals as they are not fond of eating.

The amount of calorie intake for children at this age is 1200 to 1800 per day.

The children start taking evening snacks when they are back from games.

Mothers decreasing the Mother's milk feeding and increasing the artificial iron fortified food.

Many parents prefer giving the milk only diet and decrease the other food's intake.

The children are usually in love with sugar and fat candies, and parents bring it for them all the time.

Parents did not plan a p[roper diet plan for the child yet, and he eats whatever he likes.

The children prefer eating their favorite food all the time.

Children eat more than the required calories, leading them to obesity.

Pattern of Elimination:

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.

List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.

Parents usually take care of the elimination hygiene as the child might not be ready for toilet training.

Parents support the children when children start going to the toilet on their own.

Children might require assistance in undressing

Children might require guidance in maintaining the hygiene after they wash themselves in the toilets.

Children of this age are usually able to control the bladder.

Children are able to maintain hygiene, including flushing and washing hands without assistance.

Some parents forces the toddlers for the toilet training ...
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